Asthma Capsules Pure Natural Herb
Cough and asthma are common complications. Though the causes are many, nothing but internal disorder and external influence are the
prime factors. In the case of a cold the flatus is pent up and the pulmonic gas cannot diffuse, while internally, if the lung is affected by disorder of other parts of the viscera, phlegm will develop.
Although cough is only a malaise, it will become a serious case when asthma is indicated.
This tablet is prepared according to ancient empirical prescriptions and refined by scientific process. Extensive clinical experiences have
proved that it is an efficacious antipyretic, pulmonic corrective, expectorant and cough remedy.
Main Ingredients of an asthma capsule:
Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10%,
Folium Eriobotryae 15%,
Chuan Poh Shyr 10%,
Rhizoma Et Radix Cynanchi Stauntoni 5%,
Radix Glycyrrhizae 5%,
Semen Armenicacae Amarae 10%,
Deng Lang Tsao 20%,
Cortex Mori Radicis 5%,
Mau Taur Tsao 20%,
Astma Capsules also contain: Cows Gallstone, Macaca mulatta, Physeter catodon. Pteria margaritifera, Bambasa textiles, Amomum villosum, Fritillaria cirrhosa, Asarum siebodii, Citrus sinensis.
Indications: All types of asthma including chronic asthma, pulmonary empysema, and to act as the antitussive and expectorant in brochitis.
Administration & Dosage: 2 asthma capsules, 3 times daily.
Caution: Contraindication: Not to take asthma capsules in pregnancy.